Amaze the Fuck out of YourSELF
Don't bother to worry about what others think.
At the end of your life, they won't have your regrets,
they will have their own to worry about
Put your arms around yourself as if you were your Loved Ones
and don't be ashamed to admit
you still would like a stuffed bunny, or doggy or owl
to sleep with at night
a pillow to cradle your fears and ambitions
and a place to whisper your dreams
Blow your Own Mind
Every single Day
Do something, anything, even if it is small
to please your soul.
Your soul is hungry, and she needs you
to sustain her throughout her lifetime.
Surprise yourself with kindness for yourself.
Be kind and gentle,
but don't confuse that with
allowing others to use you as a doormat.
They can wipe their feet at the door on the way into Your self, or
show them the door.
open Your heart
tear away the bonds that have held You prisoner
and release the weights that hold You underwater
and float to the top, towards the light and gasp for air
each and every day of Your life.
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