Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wiskery Stitches and All

I took off my bracelets five days ago.  I had to have basal cell lesion removed from my nose.  It was like a non-healing pimple that stuck around for like a year and a half.  My esthetician pressed me to call my doctor.  I’m really glad I did.  Last week I had a Mohs procedure and surgery to repair my nose the next day.  I learned some really valuable things, a few worth sharing
  • If you have something on your body you’re suspicious about, goodness gracious, please go to the doctor and have it checked.
  • Let your body be your guide.  I stayed home.  I had more swelling, bruising and pain than anticipated.  I could barely tolerate my glasses to rest on my nose.  I nurtured myself.  I let my family take care of me.  I missed a whole bunch of other things in life, but I don’t regret taking the rest I needed.  
  •  “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” And “Everything is the small stuff.”
  • Take the pain medicine.   And chocolate.
Me just after biopsy - barely noticable...
I feel better every day and even ok to face reality. Today, I put my four bracelets back on.  Tomorrow, it’s back to reality – wiskery stitches and all.

Monday, back at work...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

All My Children

So it’s like this for me.  I am a Mama.   Both by biology and cosmic gift of the universe I am grateful to be have a gaggle of kids, sons and daughters of my heart.   

I’ve been soccer (or baseball) mom who gets to be organizer, arranger of snacks and rides, cheerleader, band aid finder.  From afar, watched these boys grow into men, glimpse in the grocery store or the coffee shop.  Even today they remember and when I’m real lucky, they’ll reach down and I’ll get a genuine hug.  

I have a soft spot heart for my son’s school friends.  Some have touched me more deeply than others, especially those who are still around, calling my son brother.  Two in particular are the near and dear, and I treasure all the fleeting moments they dig out of their lives to connect.  Simple things mean the most to me, a thank you note, a conversation, a shy hug.  

My flesh&blood nieces and nephews, I’ve known since birth and love wholeheartedly.  Now adults I am honored to call myself your aunt, and friend.  My nieces and nephews of marriage (including younger cousins) I love you all the more because of the respect you show me as your auntie.  I’ve enjoyed watching you grow, especially these last 10 years as you’ve all become fine adults with lives and loves of your own.   

My own son, is the sunshine of my heart.  My life’s work and sole purpose was to give birth to and mother this magical creature.  My Buddha, twenty years of mothering has taught me I know everything and nothing.  Don’t ask me how he’s doing, because I’ll be all too glad to tell you.   

The daughter of my heart who I fell in love with the moment I saw her.  Climbing out of the back-seat of a car with a teal zebra backpack, long hair still wet from the shower.  Connected at the soul, we have a lot to learn from each other.   

I honor and cherish all these relationships, and send out love all around.  I remember my own mother and how grateful I am to all my friends, especially my Chicago people who supported me at my mom’s funeral.  She loved you too and I am very grateful the love & respect showed her.   

Lastly, to my friends who, like me, lost their mom’s to the next world.  May we see them when we cross over into Glocca Morra, run into their arms for a loving hug. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Path

Growing up in western suburb of Chicago, IL, I walked to school every day.  It wasn't far.  Sun, rain, snow, sleet, hail (no kidding!). I just walked down the street to "the path" that snaked around the baseball field and led up to the school playground.  There was also "the hill" which actually consisted of two dirt mounds with a worn dirt footpath.  To me, it was a mysterious analogy for life itself.  I have hundreds of memories of that path.  Ask any kid that lived around High Ridge School in the 1960s. 

If the obstacle is the path (Zen Proverb) then, my theory is,

Whatever you meet is the path.
Wherever you are is the path.
Whoever you are with is the path.
In the Light
In the Shadow
On Land or
At Sea

You are the path.